Logo of Tunza Child Safeguarding
Location of the provider
Type of provider
List of services offered
Policy development
Safe programming
Standards, audits and reviews
Systems and procedures for safeguarding implementation
Type of client
Community-based organisations
International Non-Governmental Organisations
Non-Governmental Organisations
Research and academic institutions
Sports organisations
Trust/Foundation donors of aid and development
Safeguarding expertise
Protection from sexual exploitation and abuse and sexual harassment; PSEAH
Child safeguarding
Programmatic / thematic area(s)
Gender based violence/ Violence against women and girls
Social Protection
Context in which services are delivered
Geographical coverage
Languages spoken
Accessibility options
Sign language

Tunza is a Swahili word meaning " to nurture". As their name implies, Tunza Child Safeguarding aims to nurture organizations, institutions, and communities to develop and implement stringent child safeguarding structures to create safer environments for all children. They envision a world where every girl and boy feel free and is safe from abuse to achieve their full potential.
Tunza Child Safeguarding operates globally, in English, Swahili and Kenyan Sign Language.

Contact: Martin Juma, [email protected]

Feedback on the Capacity Support Directory

We would welcome your feedback on this directory and particularly your experience of finding and working with a service provider featured on the Hub. Please do use the feedback form or complaint form. We also offer a mechanism to complaints and reports on the support services obtained through the hub.

If you would like to be registered in our Directory of support services please email our Capacity Development Team at [email protected]

Click here to read more about quality assurance, due diligence, providing feedback and making complaints.


Safeguarding Essentials